Monday, October 5, 2009

Car Paint

Rust or Iron oxide (Fe2O3,) is a frequently occurring problem in today's world. This oxidation process is so common that iron in its pure form is a rare occurrence as iron readily combines with oxygen in presence of water. Rust leaves its ugly stain on all sorts of metal objects and our precious cars are no exception. Therefore, to protect your car from the ravages of rust you must follow some effective car rust prevention techniques.

A Car is more susceptible to rust because it bears the brunt of nature and is exposed to the elements of nature such as rain, snow etc. The vehicles in coastal areas suffer the additional problem of salt along with areas that have heavy snowfall where the roads have been salt. In all these conditions, the chances of the appearance of rust are very high due to the fact that all these conditions are contributing to the formation of rust.

Tips for rust prevention

• Your car should be clean and have an under coating of rust protectant on the surface, always.
• The tires and wheels should have no moisture holding material such as leaves, grass etc.
• Rinse the underside of the car to remove any salt to avoid rust formation.
• The drainage holes of the car should be clear to allow the moisture to get out.
• Rustproof your car with the help of car rust prevention products.

Rust Bullet offers a premium car rust removal product that also acts as car paint. You can use this car paint and the paint keeps your car rust free for as long as ten years. The application process of Rust Bullet car paint is easy, you can apply the car paint on any type of car surface. The UV resistant paint is long lasting and can be applied with the help of a brush, roller or spray-painted on the cars surface. It offers excellent abrasion resistance and is resistant to harsh chemical solvents as well. You can use it as an automotive car paint or undercoating as per your requirement. Two coats of paint should be applied on the car to get the best results.
Rust Bullet offers a wide range of rust removal products for varied uses. Visit the site to learn more about the products to order.

October 6, 2009 By David Ciglar David is a well known author who writes articles for

1 comment:

  1. Nice tips for rust removal. Thanks for the blog post. Todd Hebert
